
@  All Saints-by-the-Sea Church                     1/22/14   

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All Saints-by-the-Sea

Volunteer Outreach

Diocese of LA

This coming Sunday, January 26, we will be celebrating Theological Education Sunday.  Our guest preacher for the day will be the Rev. Dr. Sylvia Sweeney, Dean and President of Bloy House, the Episcopal Theological School at Claremont. 

Theological Education Sunday
was established in 1999 by The Episcopal Church as a day to honor and support those who seek to strengthen their faith through study and those whose ministry is providing Christian education, whether in the home, preschool programs, parishes, colleges, universities, or seminaries. It is an occasion to recognize and celebrate education, especially in the theological fields, as a key aspect of mission and ministry.  We hope that you will join us as we welcome Dean Sweeney to All Saints.

The Rev. Dr. Bob Honeychurch

Interim Rector 

The Rev. Vicki says Thank You! 

The Rev. Vicki's recent visit to the ER and subsequent two-day stay in the hospital brought out a great deal of concern from our community.  While participating in the Eventide Soup Supper, Vicki began to feel chest pains and was rushed by ambulance to the hospital.  When heart issues were ruled out, she was admitted and underwent a variety of tests that ultimately resulted in a diagnosis of hiatal hernia.  She'll be undergoing tests to determine a course of treatment.


"I am so touched at the outpouring of love and affection from my new family here at All Saints," she said.  "Thank you so much to everyone who called the office or checked in with each other as well as for the help I received with all the little - and big - things that needed to be handled while incapacitated for something like this.  I'm grateful beyond words."  Vicki is back at work today and will be leading our Epiphany Class after the Eventide Supper tonight.  Get more information about all events and RSVP by clicking here.

Tonight: Epiphany Explored at Adult Classes               

7:15 p.m.    Wednesday    January 22 


Tonight, the Rev. Vicki Mouradian and parishioner Jaque Reed will lead the second class of a two-part series on the biblical meaning of Epiphany. Join us after Eventide Supper at 7:15 p.m. in the Parish House for this fascinating discussion. Questions? Please e-mail the Rev. Vicki or call her at the Church Office 969-4771, ext. 110.  You can check this event out on the website by clicking here.

 Calling All Singles: Come Celebrate Valentine's Day with your All Saints Family!

6:30 p.m.    Friday    February 14

Wednesday, Feb. 14 is Singles Night at All Saints in celebration of Valentine's Day.  Join with members of the All Saints family for an evening potluck beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish House.  Feel free to invite friends or members of the community to join in the festivities.  

Did you know that Valentine's Day is observed on February 14 every year throughout the world?  It began as a liturgical celebration of one or more early Christian saints named Valentinus.  And while we  celebrate Valentine's Day as a day of love between two individuals, we are also called to focus on love and loving service to others on this day.  Just as Jesus called for Mary and John to care for one another as he was dying, we are called to care for one another - especially for those who have experienced loss.  Show those less fortunate that there is still love and caring in this world.   



Wise Women Discuss 'Spiritual Tool Box' This Sunday

Worship and prayer are wonderful spiritual practices, but what can one add to those to enhance your sense of the divine? The Rev. Vicki Mouradian will discuss "tools" to grow closer to God so one's Spiritual Toolbox is filled with variety. She will speak on this topic, followed by discussion at 11:30 a.m. Jan. 26 in the Parish Hall.
Lunch information is available by clicking here.  For more information, please email the Rev. Vicki or call her at 969-4771, ext. 110. 

Please note that both Wise Women and Wise Men are invited to this event! 


Pray for Rain


We invite all parishioners, your families and friends, and everyone throughout the community to join in a prayer for rain. Our region in particular has faced the devastating effects of a wildfire. All life is nourished with the blessing of rain and we are certainly facing a drought in Santa Barbara County.

"God, you send rains in season. It is a season of need in Santa Barbara, in California, and in the West. Find a small and willing cloud sitting bored over the ocean, and give it a push toward us. Make a strong wind for us, not strong enough to hurt and destroy, but filled with moisture and send it us.
We ask you for rain. Let the drought unite many millions to ask you for help. We trust in you. You made the world to need the waters of heaven. You made the world to need the waters of life. You are the source of rain. We ask you: Let it rain. In your Son's name, we pray."

Looking Ahead...

All Saints-by-the-Sea
83 Eucalyptus Lane
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
